The Forecast tab within a job is where you can compare the original plan for your job (the budget) with what's actually happened based on submitted timesheets and expenses (actuals). Based on your choice of Job Type, and how you're driving the budgets, this will impact how Metis calculates the value you see on the Forecast tab and what you'll see on the Forecast tab.

This article is split into two parts; the totals (which you can see immediately on the Forecast tab, and the breakdowns (which you need to click the eye to access):




Click any image for a closer look at the detail!

The images below may help to explain which parts of the Forecast tab that we're explaining.




People/Time: Job total


People/Time Revenue: Job total calculations


People/Time Cost: Job total calculations

Individual's forecast: Job total


Individual's Revenue: Job total calculations


Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. For all job types other than Time & Materials, effort-driven, Metis doesn't have any revenue budgets specified by an individual. It only has the revenue budget specified for the whole job.


Individual's Cost: Job total calculations


Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. If the job is revenue-driven, Metis doesn't have any cost budgets specified by an individual. It only has the cost budget specified for the whole job.



Expenses are allocated into months using the Date Incurred.


People/Time: breakdown

Time & Materials - Effort-driven


Time & Materials - Revenue-driven



Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. Because the job is revenue-driven, Metis doesn't have any weekly budget information specified. It has only the monthly budgets specified.

Fixed Price - Effort-driven



Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. Because the job is Fixed Price, actuals do not affect the overall revenue of the job, and Metis doesn't have a weekly-based revenue budget value for revenue.

Fixed Price - Revenue-driven



Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. Because the job is Fixed Price, actuals do not affect the overall revenue of the job. Also, as the job is revenue-driven, Metis doesn't have a weekly-based budget value for either revenue or cost.

Individual's: breakdown

Time & Materials - Effort-driven


Time & Materials - Revenue-driven



Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. Because the job is revenue-driven, Metis doesn't have a weekly or monthly-based budget value for the individual role in either revenue or cost.


Fixed Price - Effort-driven



Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. Because the job is Fixed Price, actuals do not affect the overall revenue of the job, and Metis doesn't have a weekly or monthly-based budget value for the individual role in revenue.


Fixed Price - Revenue-driven



 Why is this N/A? N/A means Metis doesn't have the information necessary to provide this value. Because the job is Fixed Price, actuals do not affect the overall revenue or cost of the job, and. Also, because the job is revenue-driven, Metis doesn't have a weekly or monthly-based budget value for the individual role in revenue and cost.

How does cutover month affect the calculation of forecast values?

You can read how Cutover month affects the calculation of values on the Forecast tab here.

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