This article contains:

Reports: People - Overview

Within each core Zone of Metis there are two areas:

  • the List area
  • the Reports area


The List tab is the default view, which is the Jobs list you'll see in front of you. Click the Reports tab and you'll see:

List of field groups and field names for People

For a complete list of the fields you can expect to access on the People Reports page, please refer to the list below. The field names are the data items you'd like to be shown on the report.


You can use Command + F (Mac) or Control + F (Windows) to search this list.


Fieldgroup Name
Field Name
Utilisation %
Target Utilisation
Show Company's Target Utilisation from Company Settings unless there is Personal Utilisation Target on Person's profile.
Personal Utilisation Target overwrites Company Target Utilisation

- If the chosen time period falls within the current Financial Year (FY), then take the current FY %
- If the chosen time period crosses over two or more FYs and if the target utilisation changes, then for the cases that chosen time period is shown as Entire Period then take the weighted average based on the length of relevant FY coverage in the report
Actual Utilisation
See article:
Variance (Actual - Target Uti)
Actual - Target Utilisation
Result can be negative.
Actual Hrs Submitted
Actual Hrs Submitted - Total
(For given period) Sum of
   Actual Hrs Submitted - Client
+ Actual Hrs Submitted - Internal
+ Actual Hrs Submitted - Time-off
Actual Hrs Submitted - Client
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs person submitted for client jobs

Includes both chargeable and non-chargeable submitted hours
Includes both submitted - awaiting for approval and submitted - approved hours
Excludes hours that are at Rejected status at the time of reporting
Excludes hours that are at Re-opened status at the time of reporting
Actual Hrs Submitted - Internal
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs person submitted for internal jobs

Includes both submitted - awaiting for approval and submitted - approved hours
Excludes hours that are at Rejected status at the time of reporting
Excludes hours that are at Re-opened status at the time of reporting
Actual Hrs Submitted - Time-off
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs person submitted for time-off

Includes both submitted - awaiting for approval and submitted - approved hours
Excludes hours that are at Rejected status at the time of reporting
Excludes hours that are at Re-opened status at the time of reporting
Actual Hrs Submitted - Internal
Actual Hrs Submitted- Int. (Uti-ON)
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs person submitted (both approved and not approved) for internal jobs that count against utilisation
Actual Hrs Submitted- Int. (Uti-OFF)
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs person submitted for internal jobs that do not count against utilisation
Actual Hrs Approved - Internal
Actual Hrs Approved- Int. (Uti-ON)
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs that the person submitted for internal jobs that count against utilisation and that have been approved by Job Lead/Line Manager (and not re-opened)
Actual Hrs Approved- Int. (Uti-OFF)
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs that the person submitted for internal jobs that do not count against utilisation and that have been approved by Job Lead/Line Manager (and not re-opened)
Actual Hrs Approved
Actual Hrs Approved - Total
(For given period) Sum of
   Actual Hrs Approved - Client
+ Actual Hrs Approved - Internal
+ Actual Hrs Approved - Time-off
Actual Hrs Approved - Client
(For given period) Sum of
Person's actual hrs submitted for client jobs, which have been approved (and not re-opened)
Actual Hrs Approved - Internal
(For given period) Sum of
Person's actual hrs submitted for internal jobs which have been approved (and not re-opened)
Actual Hrs Approved - Time-off
(For given period) Sum of
Person's actual hrs submitted for time-off which have been approved (and not re-opened)
Actual Client Hrs
Chargeable Hrs Submitted
(For given period) Sum of
Chargeable hrs submitted out of person's actual hrs submitted for client jobs
Non-chargeable Hrs Submitted
(For given period) Sum of
Non-chargeable hrs submitted for client jobs
Chargeable Hrs Approved
(For given period) Sum of
Chargeable hrs or client jobs which have been approved (and not re-opened)
Non-chargeable Hrs Approved
(For given period) Sum of
Non-chargeable hrs or client jobs which have been approved (and not re-opened)
Resource Plan Hrs
Assigned Hrs - Total
(For given period) Sum of
  Assigned Hrs - Client
+ Assigned Hrs - Internal
+ Assigned Hrs - Time-off
Assigned Hrs - Client
(For given period) Sum of
Person's assigned hrs in client jobs
Assigned Hrs - Internal
(For given period) Sum of
Assigned hrs for person in internal jobs
Assigned Hrs - Time-off
(For given period) Sum of
Assigned hrs for person's time-off
Unassigned Hrs
(For a given period)
A: Total Available hrs (see article:
B: Assigned Hrs - Total
- if A - B > 0,  show the result of A - B
- if A - B=< 0,  show 0, on hover over show Over-assigned hrs: |A - B| (absolute value of the difference)
Over-assigned Hrs
(For a given period)
A: Total Available hrs (see article:
B: Assigned Hrs - Total
- if A - B > 0, show the result of A - B
- if A - B=< 0, show 0, on hover over show Over-assigned hrs: |A - B| (absolute value of the difference)
Timesheet Compliance
Timesheet Submission Overdue
(For a given period)
Count of timesheets whose submission due date and time passed and still not submitted by the person. (the cumulative count of all non-submitted timesheets, including re-opened and rejected timesheets)
Timesheet Submission Completeness %
(For a given period)
X: Count of all submitted timesheets with due dates falling within the chosen report time period
Y: Count of all weeks for which a timesheet should be submitted with due dates falling within the chosen report time period
Timesheet Approval Overdue
(For a given period)
Count of timesheets whose approval due date and time passed and still not approved by the approver (In other words, at the time of reporting, the report will show the cumulative count of all non-approved timesheets)
Expense Compliance
Expense Submission Overdue
(For a given period)
Count of opened expense claims whose submission due date passed and still not submitted by the person
Expense Approval Overdue
(For a given period)
Count of expense claims whose approval due date and time passed and still not approved by the person
Roles Summary
# Jobs Led
(For a given period)
Count of all the Jobs the person is leading
# Opportunities Led
(For a given period)
Count of all the Opportunities the person is leading
# Jobs where Executive
(For a given period)
Count of all the Jobs the person is executing
# Opportunities where Executive
(For a given period)
Count of all the Opportunities the person is executing
# People Manage
(For a given period)  Count of
People the person is managing, active people during the reporting time period
(if "Only direct report" is unticked, report will include people managed indirectly also)
Internal Hourly Cost
Internal Hourly Cost rate/range @ Person's profile

If Staff cost changes through given period, take the weighted average of the internal hourly cost rates that have been effective within chosen/displayed report period(s) based on the length of effective time period within chosen/displayed report time period(s)

If Freelancer cost changes through given period, show the most recent internal hourly cost range that falls in the chosen/displayed report time period.
Employee Type
Show the Employee type value in person's profile i.e. Staff or Freelancer
Show the Practice value in person's profile
If none assigned, show -
Line Manager
Show the Line Manager value in person's profile
If none assigned, show -
Show the Role value in person's profile
Show the Status value in person's profile
Available in Resourcing?
In person's profile,
- if the box is ticked, then show Yes
- If the box is not ticked, then show No
Last Active Date
Show the last active date as in person's profile

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