This article contains:

Reports: Resourcing - Overview

In most core Zones of Metis, there are two areas:

  • the List area
  • the Reports area


The List tab is the default view, which is the Resourcing grid you'll see in front of you. Click the Reports tab and you'll see:

List of field groups and field names for Resourcing

For a complete list of the fields you can expect to access on the Resourcing Reports page, please refer to the list below. The field names are the data items you'd like to be shown on the report.


You can use Command + F (Mac) or Control + F (Windows) to search this list.


Fieldgroup Name
Field Name
Assigned Hrs - Role
(For given period)
Assigned hrs per person and per Job/Opp
Actual Hrs Submitted
(For given period) Sum of
Actual hrs person submitted for the Job

Includes both chargeable and non-chargeable submitted hours
Includes both submitted-awaiting for approval and submitted- approved hours
Excludes hours that are at Rejected status at the time of reporting
Excludes hours that are at Re-opened status at the time of reporting
Actual Hrs Approved
(For given period) Sum of
Submitted hrs for the Job, which have been approved (and not re-opened)
Actual Client Hrs
Chargeable Hrs Submitted
(For given period) Sum of
Chargeable hrs submitted out of person's actual hrs submitted for the client jobs
Non-chargeable Hrs Submitted
(For given period) Sum of
Non-chargeable hrs submitted out of person's actual hrs submitted for the client jobs
Chargeable Hrs Approved
(For given period) Sum of
Chargeable hrs approved out of person's actual hrs approved for the client jobs
Non-chargeable Hrs Approved
(For given period) Sum of
Non-chargeable hrs approved out of person's actual hrs approved for the client jobs
Show as defined in the Budget - Resource Plan
Role Duration Days
Show the person's (role's) duration for the Job/Opp as defined in the Budget - Resource Plan
Hourly Cost - Role
Show the person's (role's) Hourly Cost for the Job/Opp as defined in the Budget - Resource Plan

Staff - Calculate a weighted average hourly cost based on the chosen report time period and the lenght of times of applicable hourly costs
Freelancer - Take the Role's Hourly Cost as defined in the Job/Opp's Budget - Resource Plan
Hourly Charge - Role
Calculated only for Bottom-Up Jobs/Opps (because Top-Down Jobs,  Effort days and Hourly Charge Rates may or may not exist)

T&M job/opportunity:
(For given period)
Show the person's (role's) Hourly Charge for the Job/Opp as defined in the Budget - Resource Plan

(For given period)
Resourcing Revenue (see below in table) / Assigned Hrs - Role of the period that falls within the chosen report time period
Resourcing Cost - Role
For the chosen report time period,
Show the Role's Total Cost as defined in the Job/Opp's Budget - Resource Plan

Calculated only for Bottom-Up Jobs (because Top-Down Jobs,  Effort days and Hourly Charge Rates may or may not exist)
Resourcing Revenue - Role
Calculated only for Bottom-Up Jobs/Opps (because Top-Down Jobs,  Effort days and Hourly Charge Rates may or may not exist)

T&M job/opp:
For the chosen report time period,
Show the Role's Total Revenue as defined Job/Opp's in the Budget - Resource Plan

(For given period)
Fixed Price Revenue (Budget) * (Hourly Cost of the role * Assigned Hrs - Role of the period that falls within the chosen report time period) /
Total cost (sum of  Hourly Cost of the role * Assigned Hrs - Role of the period that falls within the chosen report time period, for all roles assigned to the job)
Resourcing Profit - Role
(For given period)
Role's Resourcing Revenue -  
Role's Resourcing Cost
Charging Mechanism
Show as defined in the Opportunity detail. Either one of:
Time and Material
Fixed Price
Actual Profit - Role
(For given period)

Actual Hrs - Approved for the chosen report time period *
(Hourly Charge Role - Hourly Cost Role)
Timesheet Compliance
Timesheet Submission Overdue
Count of
Role's timesheets whose submission due date and time passed and still not submitted by the person assigned to the job
Timesheet Submission Completeness %
(For given period)

Count of all submitted timesheets for the job(s) in period /
Count of all weeks for which a timesheet should be submitted for the job(s) in the period

If a timesheet week crosses over one month/financial year/calendar year to another, then which ever month/financial year/calendar year has 4 or more days of the week, then count the week in that month/financial year/calendar year.  
Timesheet Approval Overdue
Count of
Job's timesheets whose approval due date and time passed and still not approved by the job lead
Expense Compliance
Expense Submission Overdue
Count of
opened expense claims whose submission due date passed and still not submitted by the person assigned to the job
Expense Approval Overdue
Count of
expense claims submitted for the job but approval due date and time passed and still not approved by the approver (either the job lead or line manager, differ by job detail settings)
Expense Amount - Approved
Expense Amount - Approved - Total
(For given period)  Sum of
   Expense Amount - Chargeable
+ Expense Amount - Unchargeable
Expense Amount - Chargeable
Sum of
approved Individual and Central expense claims amounts that are submitted against a client Job and that are chargeable. Take into account
- Expense claims whose incurred date falls within the chosen report time period
- Expense claims that are marked as billable
Expense Amount - Unchargeable
Sum of
Individual and Central expense claims amounts that are submitted against a Job and that are non-chargeable. Take into account
- Expense claims whose incurred date falls within the chosen report time period)
- Expense claims that are entered against a client job and marked as UNbillable OR claims that are entered against internal jobs
Expense Amount - Non -Approved
Expense Amount - Nonapproved - Total
(For given period)  Sum of
   Expense Amount - Rejected  
+ Expense Amount - Approval Pending
+ Expense Amount - Not Submitted
Expense Amount - Rejected
Sum of
Individual expense claims that were submitted against a Job and rejected. Take into account
- Expense claims whose incurred date falls within the chosen report time period)
- Expense claims that are rejected
Expense Amount - Approval Pending
Sum of
Individual expense claims amounts submitted against a Job and still awaiting for approval. Take into account
- Expense claims whose incurred date falls within the chosen report time period
- Expense claims that have "Awaiting for Approval" status.
Expense Amount - Not Submitted
Sum of
Individual expense claims amounts that are not submitted or that are re-opened. Take into account
- Expense claims whose incurred date falls within the chosen report time period
- Expense claims that have "Not submitted" OR "Submitted and the Re-opened" status.

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