You can get access to My Expenses tab by clicking Zones on your Homepage and then selecting Time and Expenses. When you click My Expenses tab, you will see two types of list: one is for your Claims in Progress and the other is for your Paid Claims.

For each type of your claims, you will see the following information.

1. The Date you submitted your claim

2. The  Number of items under your claim

3. The Amount of your your claim

4. The Approval Status of your claim (statuses are Overdue, Awaiting Approval, Approved/Pending Payment, Item Rejected, Paid)


You can view the details of each listed claim by clicking the Eye icon. The detailed information and functionality varies depending on your claim's Approval Status.  

If your claim's status is Overdue, when you click the Eye icon, you have the following options in regards to what you can do with your claim.

1. You can Submit Claim For Approval on the right side and at the end of your screen. 

2. You can + Add Item. See the Add and Submit New Expense Claims article to learn how to add a new claim. 

3. You can edit, remove and clone your claim

4. You can Delete Expense Claim


If your claim's status is Rejected, when you click the Eye icon, you have the following options in regards to what you can do with your claim.

1. You can edit and remove your claim

2. You can Submit Claim For Approval at the end of your screen

3. You can Delete Expense Claim


If your claim's status is Awaiting Approval, Approved/Pending Payment or Paid, when you click the Eye icon, you can only view the detailed information of your claim.

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